January 18, 2008

Look who's back...

Ok, I'm tired of seeing this blog go nowhere. So, Tony said I could take a stab at writing for him, since he's been busy with other projects. So, here I am, this time instead of being the topic of blogs, I'm now the author (or, is it "Artour"--I don't speak French, just German).

So, what's up this way? Well, it's been kind of lazy around Inwood. I've been sick for the past couple of days, heading to the vet yesturday for an ear infection, and then waking up Tony and Lauren this morning with my bellowing alarm. You kow the sound, the one that says, "Ok, you have three more heaves before things are going to get crazy."

They were a little upset, since I bellowed from atop the bed, all over their blanket. But, I warned them, even though it was 6:30 a.m.

So, being sick has allowed me time to catch up on world events. Elections are finally gearing up, which is nice. I got tired of all the Mike Vic stories in the news. So sad... I was watching Fox News while Tony went out this morning, finding out what's up in South Carolina. I have a hard time working the remote with my paws, and he almost caught me when he returned. I was caught up in the O-Factor, not noticing his scent from when he got off the elevator down the hall. It was a close call. I don't know what he'd do if he found out I was secretly considering switching over the G.O.P. for the primary. I'm still waiting for my absentee ballet from the Morris County Board of Elections in New Jersey.

I'll be looking forward to when I feel better, so I can start riding the subway again. Tony was affraid I'd ralph up again on the train. I think tomorrow I'll be back in the swing of things.


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